Support for Disabled People in Ukraine

‘The whole world needs to know that people with disabilities in Ukraine are left behind
. We are valuable and we need your support’.

Tanya Herasymova, project coordinator at Fight for Right NGO.

Stepping Forward have set up a fundraising page here to generate funds for the Ukrainian NGO Fight for Right. All funds will be sent to the NGO which is working to support and evacuate disabled people in Ukraine.

‘Fight for Right is working around the clock to evacuate Ukrainians with disabilities and support those who have evacuated to nearby countries following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. For people with disabilities who face barriers and inaccessibility at all times, war brings an additional, overwhelming feeling of fear and helplessness; not to mention a direct threat to their lives. Ukrainians with disabilities have far fewer options for evacuation.

We are fighting for every life. Please support our efforts. All donations directly support evacuations and the provision of resources to Ukrainians with disabilities.’ From the Fight for Right website.

Fight for Right Chairperson Yuliia Sachuk said: Right now, people with disabilities are the most affected group by the war in Ukraine. There are disabled people trapped, there are disabled people dying; we have been left behind.

Stepping Forward have set up this page to gather funds which we will send directly to Fight For Right to support their vital efforts to support disabled people in Ukraine. Please support us if you can, adding GiftAid where possible. ALL funds will go straight to Fight For Right.

Fight for Right’s team of volunteers has grown from three individuals to a group of over 30 people working tirelessly to do everything possible to fill the gaps and help people with disabilities in Ukraine as they fight to survive.

Tanya Herasymova, the project coordinator at Fight for Right says ‘There are many more individuals who still need evacuations, medications, and legal support. Our fight to evacuate Ukrainians with disabilities is a round the clock effort, and we sincerely appreciate each and every donation that has been made so far’.

For more information, please click these links:

Fight for Right is fighting for disabled Ukrainians and you can help them